Valentine's Day

The Sweetest V-Day

When babies are the biggest life of the party, you know you’ve truly entered adulthood.

Our Valentine’s Day was packed with activities but absolutely perfect. We started the day hosting a “Palentine’s” Day brunch for our friends. It was so fun starting the day catching up with friends and munching on delicious food (Skinnytaste is my go-to blog for brunch recipes — the Creme Brûlée French Toast and Loaded Baked Omelet Muffins were a hit).

After everyone headed out in the early afternoon, James and I spent a few hours relaxing around the house and working out before getting started on dinner. Instead of going out for a fancy meal, we decided to try and recreate some of the best foods we had while in Italy.

James isn’t much of a cook, so spending time together in the kitchen is always special and so fun! He was a really good sport and has more cooking skills than he lets on.

Our meal started with some burrata, which we quickly devoured as we prepped the rest of the pasta. The main course was fettucine a limone, which we had on our last night in Rome. We followed this recipe from Kevin & Amanda but omitted the chicken. It didn’t take long to make and the results were absolutely delicious.

The pasta was very rich, which made the meal feel like a true indulgence. The recipe was a bit heavier than the version we had in Italy, so I’m going to play around to lighten it up a bit for next time. We will definitely be making this again for a special occasion!

For dessert I whipped up a batch of panna cotta, another Italian favorite. It turned out OK but wasn’t even close to the delicious versions we had in Italy. I’ll have to try a different recipe next time.

We spent the rest of the night sipping Prosecco and finally watching our full-length wedding video, which brought on so many laughs and happy tears. I can’t believe we waited so long to watch it! It was a blast to relive the day and we’ve decided to make it a tradition to pull it out every May for our anniversary. Watching our friends bust moves on the dance floor was one of the best — and most amusing — parts.

This was probably the most low-key V-Day celebration we’ve ever had and I absolutely loved it. I think we may opt for staying in and cooking dinner together every year. It was relaxing and romantic — and allowed us to quickly change into pajamas!

How was your Valentine’s/Galentine’s/Palentine’s day? I love hearing about all of the creative ways people celebrate.

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