Moving Week

Life is crazy this week, which is why you haven’t heard much from me over the past few days.

We close on and move into our new house Friday. Our life is packed up into boxes and we’re frantically crossing items off our to-do list. We’ve been going through the home buying process for several months, so it’s hard to believe all of the paperwork will soon be over and the keys will be ours. We’re so anxious to get into our new place that it’s hard to fall asleep lately — too many thoughts swirling of how we will make the house our own. I can’t wait to give you a tour!


More than anything, I can’t wait to get settled into our new house so I can get back into my regular routine. Cooking is a huge stress reliever for me, but there’s been little time and virtually no equipment for me to prepare meals with since we packed the kitchen up last week. We’ve been grabbing meals at local restaurants (the above picture is the Flavors of Jerusalem platter from Falafels and it’s amazing)  and making a few trips to the grocery store salad bar, but it’s starting to get old. When I was a kid I would always beg my parents to go out to eat; now that I’m an adult I prefer preparing a nice meal at home. Food is fuel and I can tell my body is craving more variety and sustenance. I can’t wait to unpack my cast iron skillet and get cooking!

My workouts have also been pretty inconsistent over the past week, so I’m also looking forward to heading back outside for runs, bike rides and swims this weekend. It’s crazy how much exercise improves my mood and energy level and I’ve been missing it desperately. Luckily, we’re staying pretty active moving boxes around and knocking out last-minute projects. But, my goal is to set aside at least 30 minutes Wednesday and Thursday to squeeze in a quick workout. I think I’ll need it to help keep me sane!

How do you stay sane when life gets hectic?


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