Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you managed to stay cool over the weekend. The temperature and humidity we’ve been dealing with in the Midwest are no joke.
I know I’ve been a bit MIA lately — summer somehow got crazy busy for us! Between weddings, road trips and family commitments our weekends are all packed. It’s so much fun, but it leaves me feeling a bit drained every Monday morning. So, I’m making it my mission to slow down a bit for the rest of the summer and soak up all the season has to offer. Here’s my bucket list for the rest of summer.
Swim In Lake Michigan
When James and I lived in northern Indiana, we spent many summer weekends driving across the Michigan border to visit the beaches at New Buffalo and St. Joseph. I’m so happy we have a lake in Bloomington, but it’s just not the same! We’re headed up to southwest Michigan next weekend and I plan to spend at least one afternoon at the beach. Michigan summers are magical.
Read More
I’m still working toward my goal of reading 20 books this year and I’m just a bit behind schedule. I just finished up Devil In The White City, which several friends recommended. The book was phenomenal, but it definitely took me longer to read than most books. I’m guessing it’s because it’s nonfiction and I’m typically a fiction reader. I just got The Marriage Lie from the library after reading a few good reviews and I’m hoping to get through it quickly. If you’ve stumbled across any good summer reads, I always love hearing recommendations!
Spend An Afternoon At Oliver
Oliver Winery is one of my favorite places in Bloomington. The grounds are beautiful, the wine is delicious and there’s nothing more relaxing than enjoying a picnic on a summer afternoon. I’ve made it out to the winery a couple of times this summer, but James hasn’t yet. Luckily, that gives me an excuse to go back!
Participate In An Organized Bike Ride
James and I are avid cyclists, but it’s been a long time since we’ve participated in an organized ride. I’ve been eyeing the Moonlight Loop ride in Columbus, which sounds like it would be a more leisurely outing. We aren’t as familiar with the annual rides in south-central Indiana as we are with those in the South Bend area, so if you’ve participated in one that you’ve enjoyed, let me know!
Host An End-of-Summer Party
We absolutely love entertaining and it’s been a few months since we’ve thrown a big gathering at our house. I’ve always wanted to do a craft beer bottle share, so we just need to pick a weekend and go for it! You can’t beat sitting around the fire pit at night while laughing and drinking with friends.
Attend An Outdoor Concert
Between Bloomington and Indy, there are so many outdoor concerts throughout the summer. It’s so fun to pack a giant blanket and some snacks and enjoy local music in the parks.
Visit The IMA’s Beer Garden
We already did this once this summer and had so much fun that I’m dying to go back again. The IMA’s beer garden is one of the most beautiful, serene places I’ve ever gotten a drink. And going back will give us a chance to check out some of the exhibits we missed last time!
Make Ice Cream
I was an ice cream making machine last summer, but I haven’t gotten around to making any this year. Luckily, the cookbook club I’m in selected Food52 Ice Cream And Friends as one of the books for this month, so I have some extra motivation to break out our ice cream maker.
What’s on your summer bucket list? Tell me by leaving a comment below!